Sunday, January 30, 2005


Today's story: Went to the zoo with perhaps the slowest moving two year old ever. When b-dog & I go, we have an agenda. What is up with the lollygaggers. Moving on...

The purest mundanacity is the innane activity of disassembling my box spring only to reassemble it in its destination in the bedroom. You see the queen frame simply does not fit up the stairs. The layers of nailed and stapled wood was never intended to be disassembled. Some of the wood self destructed but it's generally intact and we'll be sleeping in high tech comfort...not that anyone's still reading at this point. When I vaporize three hours of my life that I'll never get back, the least I can do is report about it.Right?

Oh and I thought about riding a few miles. Does thinking about riding make one any more fit? Brilliant weather for January: 50's & sunny. Where's the snow & ice? c'mon, it's supposed to be winter here.

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