Sunday, January 16, 2005


Here's the thing, I like to go outside when other's prefer the refuge of the indoors. To me, nasty weather means that trailheads and such will be empty. I enjoy rolling back to the house layered in wool and fleece after going through any of the following: cold rain, freezing fog, snow. Done right, I'm completely warm and invigorated by the weather.

[ While a perfect sunny day is great, bombing through the ugly makes me feel alive! ]

The *only* thing that thwarts me is ICE. There's no amount of talent and expertise that would allow biking on this stuff. Yes I could throw down for metal spiked tires but that's just one more bit of gear that I would rarely need. The safer roads are the highly traveled ones treated with sand. This would put me in traffic with the not-too-remote possibility of wiping out with a car close by. Or the car losing control and me reacting with unknown traction. Yeah, I'm always up for a challenge but .... no. The most intrepid explorer would never sign up for that risk.

So my only choice becomes sliding around on my feet as I venture the short distance to my village cafe & grocer. Hardly the expedition I had in mind.

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