Wednesday, April 26, 2006


So I'm at a cafe and here's a little snapshot of a patron of the shop. It goes down like this...

A big newish GMC truck pulls up. I typically don't pay that much attention to truck models but in this case I do. A crusty dude in his 50's exits the truck with a big fat cigar in his mouth. He's blonde, has white hair and a weather beaten face. He comes in and orders something to go. He know's the barista and she knows him and they make small talk. Only the smell of coffee and pastries fill the air inside the shop without a hint of tobacco. I then realize that the crusty guy has jammed his cigar into the letter C in the grill of his GMC truck before entering.

Interpret that as you will.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Listening to NPR right now about the future of this country as it relates to Oil. The common idea is to reduce demand by driving smaller cars, hybrid cars, and eventually non-petrol based vehicles.

To that I respond, "Sure, great... that'll help" but it misses the bigger picture. Step back and ask the question,

"How can we reduce the need for travel/movement in the first place?"

Answer that question and you're getting somewhere. There are really good answers to that question that not only solve that problem but dozens more.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I usually blog on such interesting and titillating topics that I thought that I'd mix it up a bit with something really boring.

I had an english muffin, toasted, with butter & marmite this AM. It was *so* *good* that I had another. After that, I wanted another but thought better of it and stopped at two.

That's it. I hope this entry lived up to everyone's expectation. Carry on.

Friday, April 14, 2006


The expression, "Chickens always come home to roost" is a universal truth. They always go back into their coop so all I need to do is close the door after they're in. I worked late last evening and heard the chickens in a panic. I ran out to notice that a little possum had taken up residence in the coop. Not good... I am a bad farmer.

Long story short, I got the chickens to a safe place and extricated the critter with a shovel and a garden hose. They're actually slow and seemingly tame. I got very close to the little bugger and it did *not* want to exit the coop. After much negotiating, it practically got onto the shovel blade where I air-lifted it slowly and gently out of the coop. It scurried off.

"C'mon chickens, all clear" I say and they needed to be lifted up and placed in the coop. I think they were pretty shaken up by the ordeal. I was lucky that the critter was a harmless young possum. If it had been a raccoon, the ending would have been different.

I'll be sure to close up the coop at sunset.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


For those that don't appreciate espresso, here's a translation of this blog entry: Blah blah blah tasty blah blah blah amazing blah blah blah sublime blah blah blah nobody knows how to make it this good except me blah blah blah.

Those who have a slight inkling about the joys of caffeine, read on.
Lately I have been putting together some truly sublime drinks. While my expertise plays a role, it's the espresso roast from Blue Gardenia that's the reason behind this leap in quality. The stuff is truly amazing and my first successful foray into single origin espresso. Like a good year in wine, these beans (& I'm only on bag #3) may not last. Next season's crop will undoubtedly be different and I hope, just as good. To expect better would be extremely optimistic. I may look back at spring/summer 06 as a special time.

Coffee as wine. It should be considered with a similar lense. Particular grapes/beans, particular years, particular regions, specific estate growers. This is the buzz on the street about coffee. There's a higher level of quality being developed through partnerships to bring coffee away from treating it as a commodity.

I'm just enjoying the lingering flavor from my just finished macchiato. This stuff is divine.